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action() - Method in class Jade.Behaviours.Arbiter.GameToCheckBehaviour
This behaviour acts in a four way interaction with the player agents: - The arbiter receives the GridMessage from a player regarding a legal move that he wants to send to the other player - The arbiter can notice that the move brings to a state of WIN, LOSE and informs the two that the game is over - The arbiter can notice that the move brings to a state of TIE and informs the two that the game must go on - If none of the above happens, the arbiter can continue the game, calling the GameToCheckBehaviour again
action() - Method in class Jade.Behaviours.Arbiter.WaitProposalArbiterBehaviour
When the arbiter receives the message from the Master Arbiter regarding a game proposal (ACLMessage.PROPOSE), it can now start to arbiter the game.
action() - Method in class Jade.Behaviours.EndGameBehaviour
This behaviour is called when a game has to end.
action() - Method in class Jade.Behaviours.MasterArbiter.GetPlayersArbitersBehaviour
The starting behaviour for the MasterArbiterAgent.
action() - Method in class Jade.Behaviours.MasterArbiter.PlayGameBehaviour
This behaviour is varies depending on the step of the game: - If the step is 0, the Master Arbiter assigns the arbiters to the players - If the step is > 0, the Master Arbiter waits that every player has finished the game to start the next round If the number of arbiters or player are not enough to play the tournament correctly, the Master Arbiter will end the tournament and destroy the agents.
action() - Method in class Jade.Behaviours.Players.CheckWinnerBehaviour
Cyclic behaviour that checks if the player has won, lost or tied the game.
action() - Method in class Jade.Behaviours.Players.IntelligentPlayBehaviour
Behaviour of the intelligent player.
action() - Method in class Jade.Behaviours.Players.PlayBehaviour
Behaviour of the stupid player.
action() - Method in class Jade.Behaviours.Players.ReceiveMessageBehaviour
When a message of a move is received, the agents starts the PlayBehaviour, updating his grid with the new move from the opponent.
action() - Method in class Jade.Behaviours.Players.ReceiveOpponentBehaviour
This behaviour is essential for the player to understand who is going to be its arbiter and opponent for the game.
action() - Method in class Jade.Behaviours.RegisterBehaviour
This behaviour is essential for the player to register in the DF (Directory Facilitator - Pagine Gialle) and be "searchable" by the Master Arbiter to organize the tournament.
ArbiterAgent - Class in Jade.Agents
ArbiterAgent() - Constructor for class Jade.Agents.ArbiterAgent


CheckWinnerBehaviour - Class in Jade.Behaviours.Players
CheckWinnerBehaviour() - Constructor for class Jade.Behaviours.Players.CheckWinnerBehaviour


decideMove() - Method in class Jade.Behaviours.Players.IntelligentPlayBehaviour
Method that decides the move of the player.
done() - Method in class Jade.Behaviours.Arbiter.GameToCheckBehaviour
Returns true if the game has been checked, false otherwise If the game has been checked, the behaviour is removed.
done() - Method in class Jade.Behaviours.Arbiter.WaitProposalArbiterBehaviour
Returns true if the proposal has been received, false otherwise
done() - Method in class Jade.Behaviours.MasterArbiter.PlayGameBehaviour
The game has ended: the Master Arbiter announces the winner and destroys the agents.
done() - Method in class Jade.Behaviours.Players.IntelligentPlayBehaviour
done() - Method in class Jade.Behaviours.Players.PlayBehaviour
done() - Method in class Jade.Behaviours.Players.ReceiveMessageBehaviour


EndGameBehaviour - Class in Jade.Behaviours
EndGameBehaviour() - Constructor for class Jade.Behaviours.EndGameBehaviour
EndMessage - Enum Class in Jade.Messages


GameToCheckBehaviour - Class in Jade.Behaviours.Arbiter
GameToCheckBehaviour() - Constructor for class Jade.Behaviours.Arbiter.GameToCheckBehaviour
getArbiterAID() - Method in class Jade.Agents.Player
getArbiters() - Method in class Jade.Agents.MasterArbiterAgent
Returns the array of the arbiter agents
getCell(int) - Method in class Jade.Grid
Returns the cell symbol at the specified position in the grid, using the grid indexing convention.
getCell(int, int) - Method in class Jade.Grid
Returns the cell symbol at the specified position in the grid.
getFirstPlayer() - Method in class Jade.Agents.ArbiterAgent
Returns the AID of the first player of the couple.
getFirstPlayer() - Method in class Jade.Messages.ProposalToArbiter
getFirstSymbol() - Method in class Jade.Agents.ArbiterAgent
Returns the symbol of the first player.
getFreeCells() - Method in class Jade.Grid
Returns the free cells.
getGrid() - Method in class Jade.Agents.Player
getGrid() - Method in class Jade.Grid
Returns the grid.
getGrid() - Method in class Jade.Messages.GridMessage
getMasterArbiter() - Method in class Jade.Agents.ArbiterAgent
Returns the AID of the assigned Master Arbiter.
getOpponent() - Method in class Jade.Messages.ProposalToPlayer
getOpponentAID() - Method in class Jade.Agents.Player
getPlayerAID() - Method in class Jade.Agents.Player
getPlayers() - Method in class Jade.Agents.MasterArbiterAgent
Returns the array of the player agents
GetPlayersArbitersBehaviour - Class in Jade.Behaviours.MasterArbiter
GetPlayersArbitersBehaviour() - Constructor for class Jade.Behaviours.MasterArbiter.GetPlayersArbitersBehaviour
getRound() - Method in class Jade.Agents.ArbiterAgent
Returns the round number.
getRound() - Method in class Jade.Agents.Player
getRound() - Method in class Jade.Messages.ProposalToArbiter
getRound() - Method in class Jade.Messages.ProposalToPlayer
getSecondPlayer() - Method in class Jade.Agents.ArbiterAgent
Returns the AID of the second player of the couple.
getSecondPlayer() - Method in class Jade.Messages.ProposalToArbiter
getSecondSymbol() - Method in class Jade.Agents.ArbiterAgent
Returns the symbol of the second player.
getStart() - Method in class Jade.Agents.Player
getStupid() - Method in class Jade.Agents.Player
getSymbol() - Method in class Jade.Agents.Player
getSymbol() - Method in class Jade.Messages.ProposalToPlayer
getTheresAWinner() - Method in class Jade.Messages.GridMessage
getTotalRounds() - Method in class Jade.Agents.ArbiterAgent
Returns the total number of rounds of the game.
getTotalRounds() - Method in class Jade.Agents.Player
getTotalRounds() - Method in class Jade.Messages.ProposalToArbiter
getTotalRounds() - Method in class Jade.Messages.ProposalToPlayer
getTurno() - Method in class Jade.Agents.ArbiterAgent
Returns the turn number.
getWinner() - Method in class Jade.Agents.ArbiterAgent
Returns the AID of the winner
getWinner() - Method in class Jade.Agents.MasterArbiterAgent
Returns the winner agent AID
getWinner() - Method in class Jade.Grid
Returns the symbol of the winner in the grid.
getWinner() - Method in class Jade.Messages.InformWin
getwinnerAid() - Method in class Jade.Messages.GridMessage
getWinnerSymbol() - Method in class Jade.Messages.GridMessage
Grid - Class in Jade
Grid() - Constructor for class Jade.Grid
GridMessage - Class in Jade.Messages
GridMessage(Grid) - Constructor for class Jade.Messages.GridMessage


InformWin - Class in Jade.Messages
InformWin(AID) - Constructor for class Jade.Messages.InformWin
IntelligentPlayBehaviour - Class in Jade.Behaviours.Players
IntelligentPlayBehaviour() - Constructor for class Jade.Behaviours.Players.IntelligentPlayBehaviour
IntelligentPlayerAgent - Class in Jade.Agents
IntelligentPlayerAgent() - Constructor for class Jade.Agents.IntelligentPlayerAgent
isDraw() - Method in class Jade.Grid
Check if the grid contains a draw.
isEmpty() - Method in class Jade.Grid
Checks if the grid is empty.
isFirstToPlay() - Method in class Jade.Messages.ProposalToPlayer
isFree(int, int) - Method in class Jade.Grid
Checks if a move is legal in the grid, using the grid indexing convention.
isFull() - Method in class Jade.Grid
Checks if the grid is full.
isLegal(int, int) - Method in class Jade.Grid
Checks if a move is legal in the grid.
isMySymbolThere(int, int, String) - Method in class Jade.Grid
Check if the symbol "symbol" is in the grid at the specified position.
isRestartGame() - Method in class Jade.Messages.GridMessage
isWinner() - Method in class Jade.Grid
Checks if somebody has won in the grid.


Jade - package Jade
Jade.Agents - package Jade.Agents
Jade.Behaviours - package Jade.Behaviours
Jade.Behaviours.Arbiter - package Jade.Behaviours.Arbiter
Jade.Behaviours.MasterArbiter - package Jade.Behaviours.MasterArbiter
Jade.Behaviours.Players - package Jade.Behaviours.Players
Jade.Messages - package Jade.Messages


LOSE - Enum constant in enum class Jade.Messages.EndMessage


MasterArbiterAgent - Class in Jade.Agents
MasterArbiterAgent() - Constructor for class Jade.Agents.MasterArbiterAgent


nextTurn() - Method in class Jade.Agents.ArbiterAgent
Advances the turn.


PlayBehaviour - Class in Jade.Behaviours.Players
PlayBehaviour() - Constructor for class Jade.Behaviours.Players.PlayBehaviour
Player - Class in Jade.Agents
Player() - Constructor for class Jade.Agents.Player
PlayGameBehaviour - Class in Jade.Behaviours.MasterArbiter
PlayGameBehaviour(AID[], AID[]) - Constructor for class Jade.Behaviours.MasterArbiter.PlayGameBehaviour
printGrid() - Method in class Jade.Grid
Prints the grid in a nice way.
ProposalToArbiter - Class in Jade.Messages
ProposalToArbiter(AID, AID, int, int) - Constructor for class Jade.Messages.ProposalToArbiter
ProposalToPlayer - Class in Jade.Messages
ProposalToPlayer(AID, boolean, String, int, int) - Constructor for class Jade.Messages.ProposalToPlayer


ReceiveMessageBehaviour - Class in Jade.Behaviours.Players
ReceiveMessageBehaviour() - Constructor for class Jade.Behaviours.Players.ReceiveMessageBehaviour
ReceiveOpponentBehaviour - Class in Jade.Behaviours.Players
ReceiveOpponentBehaviour(boolean) - Constructor for class Jade.Behaviours.Players.ReceiveOpponentBehaviour
RegisterBehaviour - Class in Jade.Behaviours
RegisterBehaviour(String, String) - Constructor for class Jade.Behaviours.RegisterBehaviour


setArbiter(AID) - Method in class Jade.Agents.Player
setArbiters(AID[]) - Method in class Jade.Agents.MasterArbiterAgent
Sets the array of the arbiter agents
setCell(int, int, String) - Method in class Jade.Grid
Sets the cell symbol at the specified position in the grid.
setCell(int, String) - Method in class Jade.Grid
Sets the cell symbol at the specified position in the grid, using the grid indexing convention.
setFirstPlayer(AID) - Method in class Jade.Agents.ArbiterAgent
Sets the AID of the first player of the couple.
setFirstSymbol(String) - Method in class Jade.Agents.ArbiterAgent
Sets the symbol of the first player.
setGrid(Grid) - Method in class Jade.Agents.Player
setGrid(Grid) - Method in class Jade.Grid
Sets the grid.
setGrid(Grid) - Method in class Jade.Messages.GridMessage
setMasterArbiter(AID) - Method in class Jade.Agents.ArbiterAgent
Sets the AID of the assigned Master Arbiter.
setNumRound(int) - Method in class Jade.Agents.ArbiterAgent
Sets the number of rounds of the game.
setOpponent(AID) - Method in class Jade.Agents.Player
setPlayers(AID[]) - Method in class Jade.Agents.MasterArbiterAgent
Sets the array of the player agents
setRound(int) - Method in class Jade.Agents.Player
setSecondPlayer(AID) - Method in class Jade.Agents.ArbiterAgent
Sets the AID of the second player of the couple.
setSecondSymbol(String) - Method in class Jade.Agents.ArbiterAgent
Sets the symbol of the second player.
setStart(Boolean) - Method in class Jade.Agents.Player
setStupid(Boolean) - Method in class Jade.Agents.Player
setSymbol(String) - Method in class Jade.Agents.Player
setTotalRounds(int) - Method in class Jade.Agents.ArbiterAgent
Sets the total number of rounds of the game.
setTotalRounds(int) - Method in class Jade.Agents.Player
setup() - Method in class Jade.Agents.ArbiterAgent
This method is called when the arbiter is created.
setup() - Method in class Jade.Agents.IntelligentPlayerAgent
Setups the agent for the game.
setup() - Method in class Jade.Agents.MasterArbiterAgent
Setups the agent for the game.
setup() - Method in class Jade.Agents.StupidPlayerAgent
Setups the agent for the game.
setWinner(AID) - Method in class Jade.Agents.ArbiterAgent
Sets the AID of the winner
setWinner(AID) - Method in class Jade.Agents.MasterArbiterAgent
Sets the winner agent AID
setWinnerAID(AID) - Method in class Jade.Messages.GridMessage
StupidPlayerAgent - Class in Jade.Agents
StupidPlayerAgent() - Constructor for class Jade.Agents.StupidPlayerAgent


takeDown() - Method in class Jade.Agents.ArbiterAgent
This method is called when the arbiter is terminated.
takeDown() - Method in class Jade.Agents.IntelligentPlayerAgent
takeDown() - Method in class Jade.Agents.MasterArbiterAgent
takeDown() - Method in class Jade.Agents.StupidPlayerAgent
TIE - Enum constant in enum class Jade.Messages.EndMessage
toString() - Method in class Jade.Grid
Returns the grid as a string.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class Jade.Messages.EndMessage
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class Jade.Messages.EndMessage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


WaitProposalArbiterBehaviour - Class in Jade.Behaviours.Arbiter
WaitProposalArbiterBehaviour() - Constructor for class Jade.Behaviours.Arbiter.WaitProposalArbiterBehaviour
WIN - Enum constant in enum class Jade.Messages.EndMessage
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