Federico Torrielli

A picture of Federico Torrielli, looking at the camera

Welcome to my personal website. My name is Federico Torrielli.
I am a PhD Candidate in Generative Artificial Intelligence at the University of Turin. My research interests lie at the intersection of Natural Language Processing and state-of-the-art Neural Networks, with a particular focus on Large Language Models safety, control and coherence.

Who I Am

In my daily work, I engage with Transformer architectures, Diffusion models, and NLP pipelines to advance the field of NLP research and develop innovative solutions for language understanding and generation. My recent work focuses on AI Safety, Chatbots, and Alignment Theory.


You can find my publicly-shared works on my GitHub page

My latest project is PleasAnnotate, a modern platform designed for researchers and academics to collect, manage, and analyze annotations with ease and precision. It's designed to be simple, fast, and privacy-focused - running entirely in your browser with no backend.

Published Papers

You can find my published papers on my Google Scholar page

My Book - Sembrare ed Essere

In 2017 I wrote a book called "Sembrare ed Essere": it's a big collection of my personal poems and thoughts that shaped my way of thinking the world and what's around me.
You can buy it here (only in Italian).

Philosophy on Minimalism

This website embraces a minimalistic design that reflects my belief in simplicity, efficiency, and accessibility. The internet should be a place where information is easy to find, read, and navigate, without being cluttered by excessive visual elements or advertisements. As developers and researchers, we have a responsibility to create online experiences that prioritize the needs of a diverse range of users and focus on the effective organization and presentation of data.

Want to contact me?

A meme. Caption: hope this email finds you well. Me: *depressed Cillian Murphy on a civilian overcrowded train*